Mr. Shoya SONODA, Assistant Professor Jun SHIOMI, and Professor Hidetoshi ONODERA (Dept. Communications and Computer Engineering) were awarded “SASIMI 2021 (The 23rd Workshop on Synthesis And System Integration of Mixed Information technologies) Best Paper Award” for the paper entitled “Minimum Energy Point Tracking over a Wide Operating Performance Region”.
Program-Specific Assistant Professor Yang CAO (Dept. Social Informatics) was awarded “DBSJ Kambayashi Young Researcher Award”.
Mr. Zhaoxing QIN (Dept. Communications and Computer Engineering) was awarded “IEEE Kansai Section Student Paper Award” for the paper “Organic Current Mirror PUF for Improved Stability Against Device Aging”.
Mr. Ryosuke MATSUO (Dept. Communications and Computer Engineering) was awarded “IEEE Kansai Section Student Paper Award” for the paper entitled “BDD-based Synthesis of Optical Logic Circuits Exploiting Wavelength Division Multiplexing”.
Mr. Hiroki TSUKAMOTO (Dept. Communications and Computer Engineering) was awarded “IEEE Kansai Section Student Paper Award” for the paper “Statistical Extraction of Normally and Lognormally Distributed Model Parameters for Power MOSFETs”. (IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 33, No.2, pp.150-158, May 2020).
Assistant Professor Aleksandar SHURBEVSKI (Dept. Applied Mathematics and Physics) was awarded The 9th Research Encouragement Award from the Japan Association for Chemical Innovation (JACI) for his research about “A method for solving the inverse problem in machine learning based on mathematical programming and its application to the inference of new substances”.
Ms. Fan ZHANG, Mr. Jianshen ZHU, Assistant Professor Aleksandar SHURBEVSKI, Professor Hiroshi NAGAMOCHI (Dept. Applied Mathematics and Physics) and Professor Tatsuya AKUTSU (Dept. Intelligence Science and Technology) were awarded Award for the Best Theory Paper at IEA/AIE 2020 for the paper titled “A New Integer Linear Programming Formulation to the Inverse QSAR/QSPR for Acyclic Chemical Compounds Using Skeleton Trees”.
Mr. Sou YOSHIHARA (Dept. Intelligence Science and Technology) was awarded “Best Presentation Award of Vision Society of Japan 2020 Summer”.
Ms. Hinako MAEKAWA (Dept. Systems Science) was awarded “IEICE Medical Imaging Society, Young Researcher Award 2019”.
Mr. Makoto SATAKE (Dept. Intelligence Science and Technology) was awarded “Best Paper Award for Young Researcher of the 82th IPSJ National Convention”.