- News
- Admission Admission Guidelines for April 2024/October 2024 Admission to the Master’s/Doctoral programs are available.
- Award Mr. Tengyu Deng, Assistant Professor Eita Nakamura and Associate Professor Kazuyoshi Yoshii (Intelligence Science and Technology Course) received the Best Paper Award in APSIPA ASC 2023.
- Award The paper by Mr. Siqi PENG and Professor Akihiro YAMAMOTO (Intelligence Science and Technology Course), “Z-TCA: Fast Algorithm for Triadic Concept Analysis Using Zero-suppressed Decision Diagrams”, was granted as JIP (Journal of Information Processing) Specially Selected Paper.
- Admission Guidelines for October 2023/April 2024 Admission to the Master’s/Doctoral programs are available.
- Admission Guidelines for Admission to the Doctoral Program through the Special Selection of Overseas Application, AO Admission (Admission in October 2023) is available.
- Award Professor Shun-ichi AZUMA (Dept. Systems Science) was awarded Best Paper Award of AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2023 for the paper entitled “Path Following Control of a Snake Robot with Passive Joints” together with researchers of Nagoya University.
- Admission Guidelines for October 2023 Admission to the Master’s/Doctoral program in Social Informatics for International Students are available.
- Award The paper of Mr. Kazumasa OMURA and Professor Sadao KUROHASHI (Dept. Intelligence Science and Technology), “Improving Commonsense Contingent Reasoning by Pseudo-data and its Application to the Related Tasks”, was selected as an outstanding paper at COLING2022 (the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics).
- Award Mr. Taichi NISHIMURA was awarded Best Paper Award of CEA++2022 for the paper entitled “Multimodal Dish Pairing: Predicting Side Dishes to Serve with a Main Dish”.
- Reaserch Result Assistant Professor Koji INOUE and Profesor Tatsuya KAWAHARA (Dept. Intelligence Science and Technology ) developed a conversational robot that laughs with a human.