- News
- Admission Guidelines for Admission to the Master’s Program in Social Informatics through the Special Selection of Overseas Application: AO Admission (Admission in October 2025), and Guidelines for Admission to the Doctoral Program through the Special Selection of Overseas Application, AO Admission (Admission in October 2025) are available.
- Award Mr. Ryoma SATAKE (Dept. Systems Science) was awarded the Outstanding Presentation Award at The 67th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference for the paper entitled “Multi-Agent Model and Compensation Design of Food Delivery Service”.
- Award Mr. Daiki SUGIYAMA (Dept. Systems Science) was awarded the Outstanding Presentation Award at The 67th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference for the paper entitled “Consensus analysis of multi-agent systems driven by value exchange: Selection of observation edges to judge consensus based on the observation data”.
- Admission Admission Guidelines for April/October 2025 Admission to the Master’s/Doctoral programs are available.
- Award Mr. Taishi Nakai (Social Informatics Course) and Prof. Kazuyuki Shudo (Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies) were awarded “Computer Security Symposium 2024 (CSS2024), CSS 2024 Best Paper Award” for the research “Higher Decentralization Does Not Necessarily Improve Resistance to 51% Attacks”.
- Award Mr. Arata TOMOTO (Advanced Mathematical Sciences Course) was awarded the Conference Encouragement Award of the Japanese Neural Network Society 34th Annual Meeting (JNNS2024) for the paper entitled “Nonlinear recurrent neural network for stimulus-dependent memories with amplified transient trajectories”.
- Award Mr. Asahi NAKAMUTA (Advanced Mathematical Sciences Course) was awarded the Conference Encouragement Award of the Japanese Neural Network Society 34th Annual Meeting (JNNS2024) for the paper entitled “Self-organization of the power-law neural activity and spatial structure of the principal components”.
- Recruit Employement opportunities.
- Admission Errors on the Entrance Examination for October 2024/April 2025, Admission to the Master’s/Doctoral Program
- Award Mr. Taishi Nakai (Social Informatics Course) was awarded “Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security, SCIS Paper Award” for the research “The Blockchain Trilemma Described by a Formula”.